# Welcome

Hi, welcome on DataGin docs, a personal website maintained by SW Engineer wannabe. If you are here because of interest about wide range of topics, or you are enthusiast geek as I am, I'am happy for every new reader.

"Truth can only be found in one place: the code." - Uncle Bob

# Components 🔧

You came here for some expertise knowledge? Well, you can find some in components section.

# Configuration ⚙️

You need to know me better? Let's go inside that rabbit hole.

# Blog

Sometimes I have a feeling to write things down to unblock my overloaded mind. Feel free to taste some of my thoughts.

# Help

Need some help with DataGin?

A live support person is generally available on chat on the Twitter website.

If you find a defect or would like to submit a feature request, please create an Issue and we will investigate right away.

Do you have a general inquiry? Please feel free to contact me at michal.trnka@outlook.cz.

I ❤️ your feedback.